Do you know where all the pieces of your retirement picture are?
When you move job, you have a number of things to add to your ‘To-Do’ list. Whether it is trying to avoid emergency tax or making sure you move your health insurance, it can be a busy time. There is another thing that you should add to your ‘To-Do’ list, the pension you are leaving behind!
The most important part of mapping any journey is finding where you are before thinking about where you want to go. These days, as we move job more often and leave pension plans behind us, it may be more difficult to know exactly where our retirement plans stand. Planning for retirement is more important than ever because:
1. If you are age 55 or under on the 1st January 2015, you will be 68 before you are eligible to claim the State Pension (Contributory). That’s potentially a three-year gap in retirement income (if you were planning to retire at 65).
2. Unless you put a retirement plan in place, your income could drop by nearly 67% when you retire.
3. We are now living longer. A longer life means a longer retirement that you need to fund for.
Your retirement plan should be based on the income you want in retirement, the age you would like to retire at and the type of retirement you want.
We at Brazil Financial are available to help you track down your previous pensions and advise on the best plan for you to make the most of them as part of your retirement planning.
Feel free to contact us on 015571596 or email rory@brazilfinancial.ie to set up a meeting to discuss your needs at a time that suits you. I look forward to speaking with you.
Best Regards,
Rory Brazil